sábado, 19 de octubre de 2019

Main leaves

"Would you risk your existence 
for the uncertain grounds of possibility?"

Autumn leaves again,
falling slowly,
to the sound of water
into green tapestries,
to the echo of words
into treasured memories;
on a different life,
on another path.

Layers of existence
watch the Main:
particles of water that leave,
leaves that fall,
fall that outbreaks
speaking in windy words
and wings of shiny black crows;
the everchanging
eternal second that ticks,
the places and things
you observe and leave.

Taking off and landing thoughts
from a bench that talks like London
with the music of German accent,
with the frequency of turning points.

A yellow, brown and green horizon
observes the water as it leaves,
as from another present it stays:
the water flows and soaks
a scary and rare feeling
of belonging,
of staying,
of feeling fiercely willing
to turn the foundations
of every belief upside down
and start a selfish revolution
as the leaves that fall,
as the fall that stays.

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